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Field Description

Each part and each field of ProcessGo Robot has its corresponding state. The fields and states in the robot are described below.


Fields Description
It refreshes the main page of the robot and update the page flow and relevant settings of the robot.
Includes certain general settings of the robot, connection of the Conductor, log viewing, Schedule setting and other features.
Minimize the robot main page to the computer tray to free up the space and display of the computer interface.
Import Local Process
Import local processes and facilitates the remote import of processes into the robot.


Status Description
This status is used to start or stop the business process in the robot main page.
This status indicates that the business process in the robot main page is running.
This status indicates that the business process sent to the robot by the Conductor is pending download (provided that it is successfully connected with the Conductor).
This status indicates that the business process sent to the robot by the Conductor is downloading (provided that it is successfully connected with the Conductor).
The sample display status is as follows:

●Conductor Connection

Status Description
This status indicates that the robot is successfully connected with Conductor.
Not Connected
This status indicates that the robot is not connected with Conductor.

●Screen recording

Status Description
This status indicates that the process recording function of the robot is successfully enabled.
Not Enabled
This status indicates that the process recording function of the robot is not enabled.

●Message Box

Status Description
This status indicates the message box of the robot is hidden (the message box is mainly used to display messages).
This status indicates the message box of the robot is shown (the message box is mainly used to display messages).

●Schedules Field

Fields Description
Used to indicate the name of the planned schedule.
Used to select and confirm the business process of the schedule to be planned.
Used to configure the trigger method of the schedule. There are three options: single execution, recursive execution, and execution according to a custom Cron expression.
Exe Cycle and Time
Used to set the execution time of the schedule. If it is a recursive execution, the corresponding execution time interval needs to be confirmed.
Start Time
Used to set the effective time of the schedule.
End Time
Used to set the expiration time of the schedule.
Used to change and edit created schedules.
Used to delete redundant schedules.


Status Description
This status indicates that the planned schedules are enabled.
This status indicates that the selected schedules are stopped.
The sample display status is as follows:

*For other operations, please refer to “Operation Description”.

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