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Features of ProcessGo Conductor:

1.     Robot performance detection: Robots will continuously report their operation status to the server while running, and generate alarms in case of bad performance or failure, ensuring a good status and performance of the robots.

2.     Remote control: Controlls the operation of unattended robots, remote process deployment, monitoring and retirement.

3.     Publish management: Allows Conductor to publish a stable version of the process automation to the robot group. All the previously published versions will be kept on the server the convenience for rollback.

4.     Detection and recording: Tracks the behavior of all users and robots, and sends them to the local database.

5.     Scale optimization: Workload changes with the priority. ProcessGo Conductor sorts the users into a sequence, thus making them work according to their priority.

6.     Localization: Embrace the original charm of ProcessGo Robot, optimize work efficiently. ProcessGo Robot is now available in Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French and Japanese.

The ProcessGo Conductor contains six major components: users, roles, organizations, groups, processes, and robots. Each component is closely connected and cooperates with each other. The overall structure is as follows:

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